Tuesday 11 September 2012

"So long Stanley, but what an adventure this life was!" ~ RIP Great British exploitation filmmaker; Stanley A. Long.

The great British cult filmmaker Stanley A. Long has died, news broken by his friend and author Simon Sheridan. Probably best known for the sexploitation movies so beloved of British cinema in the 70s, Stanley's films had an edge to the sauce that few other filmmakers working in the genre achieved. 1978's 'Adventures of a Plumber's Mate', that even has an appearance from the usually reliably upbeat Christopher Biggins, remains defiantly downbeat (confusing most critics at the time) and the horror anthology 'Screamtime' is still wonderfully elusive (despite one story from the film being remade in 2010 as 'Psychosis'; a film directed by Reg Traviss - Amy Winehouse's partner in her final months). Stanley Long's career was revived by author and fan Simon Sheridan in DVD releases of his work and especially the terrifically nostalgic book; 'X-Rated: Adventures of an Exploitation Filmmaker' that Stanley wrote with Simon in 2008. Stanley's planned 1980 horror film; 'Plasmid' about mutants in the London sewers, was never made but the tie-in novel of the film, confusingly - was published anyway! A legacy of Great British movie adventures, never to be forgotten.
words: mark gordon palmer

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